- Visit www.tourfactory.com
- Click the "Sign In/Sign Up" button towards the top right of your screen.
- Enter your email and password under where it says "Sign into your account."
Note: Click the "Remember My Login" button if you want your internet browser to save your login information for next time. - Click the red "Sign In" button to be taken to your account Dashboard.
Note: If you entered an invalid email or password, you will see a prompt that reads, "You have entered an invalid Email or Password." This will be followed by a red "Please Reset Your Password" button. Click there to reset your password.
Note: If you are unable to reset your password successfully, please reach out to our customer service team at 888-458-3943 and we can email you a password reset link.
If you already have an account but have never logged in or received a password, please click the red "Claim Your Account" button.
Enter your email and you will receive a password reset link within 15 minutes.
For additional assistance, contact us at 888-458-3943 coaching@tourfactory.com