If an order in your account was submitted without payment, there will be a balance due on your account. You can log in to your account to pay this balance or you can call our customer service department at 888-458-3943 to pay over the phone.
- Once logged in to your account, navigate to the My Account tab at the top of the page.
- If there is a balance due on your account, you will see it by scrolling down until the "Account Balance" section appears. This appears just underneath the office information section. Click "Pay Existing Balance" to proceed to the checkout screen.
- The total of the balance due will display on the screen. Click "Finalize Your Order" to proceed to the next screen where you will enter credit card information. Proceed through this screen to complete your payment.
Note: A confirmation screen will display when the payment is processed successfully.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I'm not sure what the outstanding balance is for. How do I find out?
A: Please contact our customer service team at 888-458-3943 or email coaching@tourfactory.com to have the balance due explained.
Q: How can I see an itemized list of what an outstanding balance was for after I have paid it?
A: All itemized receipts can be accessed from within your account Reports. Click here to see how to access your transaction history.
For additional assistance, contact us at 888-458-3943 | coaching@tourfactory.com