- When your property website approaches the expiration date, you will receive an email similar to this:
- If you are signed up for one of our monthly memberships, you can click the button that says "Renew This Site" to extend the site out for an additional 6 months at no charge. Note: If the property does not need to remain active, you can disregard the email and your site will expire on it's set expiration date.
- If you are set up to pay per site, you can click "Renew this site for $49.99" or sign up for one of our monthly memberships.
- You will then be taken to the Shopping Cart. You can choose a stored credit card or use a new card. Note: If you are not logged into your account, you will first be prompted to log in.
- Your site will now be extended out for an additional year. Note: If you are on a monthly membership, your site will be extended out for an additional 6 months.
For additional assistance, contact us at 888-458-3943 coaching@tourfactory.com