- In order to start a free trial, you need to have a listing created in your new account first. Click here for instructions on how to set up your first listing.
Note: Ignore step 15 in the article above since you won't be purchasing the PowerHouse Package quite yet. - Once you have your first listing created, go to the Summary Tab of your property. Need help getting to the Summary tab? Click here for detailed instructions.
- Click on the "Listing Status" tab on the left side of your screen.
- Click on the "30-Day Free Trial" button underneath the paid options.
- Review your total (should be $0.00) and then click the red "Finalize Your Order" button.
- Proceed through the order finalization screen. You will receive an order confirmation screen when the transaction has processed successfully.
Your listing will now be activated with the PowerHouse Package 30-day free trial. We will send you a friendly email reminder when your free trial is ending. Once the trial has expired and you're ready to purchase the PowerHouse Package, please click here for instructions on that process.
For additional assistance, contact us at 888-458-3943 coaching@tourfactory.com